Aromalief Stress-Free Election 2020 Guide

Posted by Aromalief Team on

We love all of our customers, regardless of who you will vote for, we are here to help you get through the next week leading up to Tuesday, November 3. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite tips to help you have less stress and keep your sanity. 

5 Tips for Stress-Free Election 2020

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Aromalief Stress Free Election 2020 Pause Friend on Facebook for 30 days

1. Most of us are on Facebook and see what our friends and family are posting about their favorite candidates and also some not so nice things about others. Even if you don’t comment on posts that you disagree with, you may feel resentful towards that person. However, you know that you have to continue to have some people as part of your life after the elections. You can pause comments from certain people for 30 days. You are not unfriending them, you are simply putting your Facebook relationship on pause. 

 How do I snooze a person, Page or group on Facebook? (from Facebook) Click in the top right of the post in your News Feed. Then, Click Snooze [Name] for 30 days. To immediately undo Snooze [Name] for 30 days, click Undo in the confirmation message.

Aromalief Stress Free Elections 2020 Limit News Tip

2. Limit the amount of news that you are reading per day. Put a timer on in your kitchen, your phone, wherever you can for 15 or 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, there will be no more news for the day. If you watch the news on TV, then only watch 1 time slot. Instead, find a really great show to watch. If you don’t have shows on demand, you can always rent a movie from the library (for free!), play some cards, or go for a walk. You can go back to binge news watching after the elections or maybe even move on. 
Aromalief Stress Free Elections 2020 Meditation Tip

3. “There is nothing to fear but fear itself” - Franklin D. Roosevelt. Try to meditate/pray and take deep breaths when you feel like anxiety is creeping in. Keep in mind that as long as you voted for what you believed was the best choice, that you did what you could. 

Aromalief Election Tip Vote Early and Take a Snack

4. Vote early if that is possible in your state and don’t forget to use the restroom before you go. You may also want to take a snack and water if you have to wait in line. Some states actually have a system that lets you know how long the wait time is, (like rides at Disney). Do a search on Google of “Wait Times for Voting Near Me”. Poll workers told me that the best times are early morning and between 3-5pm because it tends to get fuller at lunch breaks and after work. Oh and remember your ID. 

Aromalief Stress Free Elections 2020 Positivity

5. If your candidate wins, then congratulations. If your candidate doesn’t win, then give yourself 1 day to mope, cry, scream, or act how you feel. Then wake up the next day ready to do your part in being a good citizen, neighbor, family member, and friend. An election doesn’t define you as a person and every little bit of positivity that you share with others, helps to create a better world. 

    Oh, and use your Aromalief Day and Night Set as your little secret weapon to reduce pain, anxiety, and insomnia during these elections.  Shop Here


    How are you lowering your stress these elections?

    If you have any questions about our products you can always email us at and we will do our best to get you research based answers.

    This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Please consult a medical professional prior to using this or any other product for pain relief. 

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